Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shoes, Shoes and more SHOES!!!

How many pairs of shoes can one person own? <---- Really? Is that a REAL question?


I will confess today... I am addicted to shoes!!! Ok, there I said it! How can you not like shoes? I get such a deal @ DSW! I love that place. I visit www.dsw.com almost everyday. I am a rewards member and I search the clearance and find such steals!! I, sometimes, feel bad if I pay $9.95 for Steve Madden pumps that are regularly $100! I said SOMETIMES! I recently purchased a pair of Betsey Johnson on clearance for $59!! I was so happy. Shoe shopping, via on-line or not, is like therapy to me. If I happen to catch a deal I am on a high! It's so...Orgasmic... Can I say that? lol! But trust me when I say DSW makes shoe shopping a rewarding experience. If I buy or even look at shoes at another store I feel guilty!! Thats just wrong DSW!! Well I think I'm done talking about one of my passions or addictions lol! I do have another and I'll blog about that another time.


As one of the CS for the FB site at DSW says, "Peace, Love and Shoes"



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